Aug 6, 2018
A Rents and Profits Receivership assists in the enforcement of a mortgage, deed of trust, or related assignment. A rents and profits receivership commonly occurs when a property owner defaults on a mortgage and the lender seeks the appointment of a receiver to protect...
Jul 20, 2018
Hooray a judgment as been entered! However, the battle is not over yet. Now the phase of enforcing and collecting on that judgment begins. In many cases, a judgement debtor will never willingly satisfy a judgment. A post-judgment Receivership is a great judgment...
Jun 21, 2018
In California, a Health and Safety Receivership is an effective option to resolve code enforcement issues with residential and commercial properties. Health and Safety Receiverships commonly deal with substandard or abandoned properties when property owners fail to...
Apr 7, 2011
A trademark is a word, phrase, symbol, or design, or a combination thereof, that identifies and distinguishes the source of the goods of one party from those of others. A service mark is basically the same thing, except it distinguishes the services provided by one...
Sep 7, 2010
The below article was featured September 7, 2010 online at the San Diego Daily Transcript, originating from Bloomberg News. Port Brewing sues Moylan’s Brewing for trademark infringement By Bloomberg News Tuesday, September 7, 2010 Port Brewing LLC, a San...
Dec 19, 2008
Trademark laws prevent the use of geographic terms without secondary meaning as trademarks. A term that primarily describes the place a product originates is not entitled to trademark protection because it is geographically descriptive. If a term uses a geographic...